Re: Re: [Harp-L] Re: full octave on 2 holes?

--- "Larry L. Ravlin" <sheepdip@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Winslow,
> I'm not being silly, I'm trying to make a point.  You have picked the
> two
> holes that it is possible.  

Froggy never said it had to be all two-hole combinations. For that
matter he never said they had to be two consecutive holes, either . . .

Although to only the  accompolished
> player.

That WAS part of what Froggy did say. He made it quite clear that it
was a very accomplished player - but he did not name the player.

> Show me anywhere else it is possible.  

Well, leaving aside non-consecutive holes, let's look for the two-hole
combinations with the widest range. Holes 2 and 3 have a 7-semitone
range. So if it's possible there then it should be within reach on any
pair of holes with the same range.

What other consecutive hole pairs have a 7-semitone range?

If we look at Holes 1-2 we see C to G range, By bending Blow 1 down and
overblow 2 up, we can again accomplish a full octave (A or Bb to A or

If we look at Holes 3 and 4, we have a range of 7 semitones from G to
D. Bend blow G down to F or E, and overblow 4 up from Eb to E or F, and
we have our full octave.

If we look at Holes 9 and 10, again we see a 7-semitone range - F (draw
9) up to C (Blow 10). By bending Draw 9 down from F to Eb or D and
Overdraw 10 up from C# to D or Eb, we can span a range from D or Eb up
an octave chromatically.

Several other hole pairs have a range of five semitones. These require
more of a stretch to reach a full octave but this may be possible for
those who really want to pull it off:

Holes 4-5 (C to F)

Holes 5-6 (E to A)

Holes 6-7 (G to C)

Holes 7-8 (B-E)

Holes 8-9 (D-G)

Did I leave any out?

> I don't think I should have opened
> this can of worms.

Why not? Nobody gets hurt, and it's kind of interesting to see how far
our assumptions can be made to dissolve with a little ingenuity and
applied technique.


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